Lent offers the opportunity to prepare, in a meaningful way, for the blessings of Christ's Resurrection. By providing you with special Scripture passages, reflections and prayers, our weekly devotionals will help inspire and guide your spiritual contemplation — and renew your faith — as you prepare for the coming of Easter.
Sign up today to receive your first devotional in time for Ash Wednesday!
During this season of love and sacrifice, won’t you please consider a gift to Salesian Missions?
Your generous gift will support programs that provide education, healthcare and vocational training to children and families in need. By helping to alleviate poverty, your gift empowers communities, fosters hope, and creates lasting change, ensuring that vulnerable individuals have the opportunity to build brighter futures.
In appreciation of your online Lenten gift made between now and Easter Sunday (April 20), we will send you a beautifully designed angel bookmark that has the Serenity Prayer on one side.
Thank you, and may God bless you for your compassion toward the most vulnerable, especially the precious children we serve.