Piedmont Post Highlights Volunteer’s Effort to Help Street Children in Philippines

 (June 27, 2012) Julien Levy, a 2011 graduate of Piedmont High School wrote an article published in the Piedmont Post about his volunteer experience at the Tuloy Foundation Orphanage. The orphanage is a Salesian-run establishment that works with the many street children in the Philippines. It was...

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News Article: Child Found by Don Bosco Brothers in Tamil Nadu

(March 2, 2012) An E-Pao news article article reported that a boy from Tamenglong district of Manipur was found on the streets in the Salem district in Tamil Nadu on March 2, 2012. In the article, a reliable source stated that, “the child has been rescued by Don Bosco Fathers working for street...

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Sangia Express Highlights Praise for Salesian Missions BOSCO Mane Bangalore Work with Street Children

(March 2, 2012) – Sangia Express writer Urmila Chanam contemplated the misfortune and fate of street children in India. Her report focused on Shekhar, a 12 year old boy found at a Bangalore railway station by a Bosco Mane Bangalore worker.

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CNN: Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School Helps Teen Get Off the Streets, Into College

(June 11, 2011) “For me, Derontae is a great story for a lot of inner city kids that don't have hope, that don't have somebody to help them move forward,” said Rev. Steve Shafran, president of Don Bosco Cristo Rey, in a CNN piece by Larry Lazo.The piece reported that 19-year-old Derontae Mason,...

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