Resources for Journalists

Salesian Missions is headquartered in New Rochelle, NY, and is part of the Don Bosco Network—a worldwide federation of Salesian NGOs. The mission of the U.S.-based nonprofit Catholic organization is to raise funds for international programs that serve youth and families in poor communities around the globe. The Salesian missionaries are made up of priests, brothers and sisters, as well as laypeople—all dedicated to caring for poor children throughout the world in more than 130 countries and helping young people become self-sufficient by learning a trade that will help them gain employment. To date, more than 3 million youth have received services funded by Salesian Missions. These services and programs are provided to children regardless of race or religion. Our Press Center is a key source of information for journalists, donors, organizational partners, funders and the public. In addition to the releases below, photographs and video from the field can be made available to journalists and partners upon request.

Salesian Missions also operates, as a service to the public and the news media. The purpose is to provide information and insight about Salesian programs around the globe and news related to global humanitarian issues. News from and about Salesian Missions can also be found on ReliefWeb, the leading humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters operated by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

U.S. Media Representative:
Laura Perillo
[email protected]
Twitter: @SM_Newsdesk

To request interviews or ask to be included on our media distribution list, please contact Laura Perillo. Photos and b-roll are also available upon request. We may also able to assist journalists working for U.S. media outlets who are working abroad or planning trips to cover humanitarian-related news stories.

In addition to the press releases provided here, country-specific information is available in the Where We Work section of this website. Additional information is available to the media upon request.

EL SALVADOR: New facilities for Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences inaugurated

Don Bosco University inaugurates new facilities for Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences thanks to “Walking Anew!” project. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 30, 2021) Don Bosco University in San Salvador, El Salvador, has inaugurated new facilities for the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences to empower the...

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NIGERIA: Girls develop tailoring and business skills to help achieve self-sufficiency

Training project provides tailoring education to 15 girls to help them with self-employment. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 29, 2021) Salesian missionaries in Nigeria were able to train 15 girls in tailoring and give them self-employment starter kits thanks in part to funding from Salesian Missions, the...

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INDIA: Street children gain life skills through donor funding from Salesian Missions

Don Bosco Anbu Illam provides programs for street children through the support of donor funding from Salesian Missions. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 28, 2021) Don Bosco Anbu Illam, located in Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India, has received ongoing support for its programs for street children thanks to donor...

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NAMIBIA: St. John Bosco Parish has clean water access thanks to the Salesian Missions ‘Clean Water Initiative’

The project is impacting more than 7,300 people who are part of the church community. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 22, 2021) Youth attending the St. John Bosco Parish, which is part of the Don Bosco Youth Center in Rundu, Namibia, have access to clean, safe water through the installation of a new water...

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INDIA: Young couples prepare for marriage with Salesian program

Salesian Assumption Church in Pezzonipet holds marriage preparation program for 531 people thanks to funding from Salesian Missions. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 21, 2021) Salesian missionaries with Assumption Church, located in Pezzonipet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, were able to hold a marriage...

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WORLD REFUGEE DAY: Educational and social programs aid refugees around the globe

Salesian Missions highlights educational and social programs that aid refugees. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 20, 2021) Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins humanitarian organizations and the international community in honoring World Refugee Day, held each year...

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TANZANIA: Secondary school completes construction project for new bathrooms

Don Bosco Didia Secondary School completes construction project for new bathrooms thanks to funding from the Salesian Missions ‘Clean Water Initiative.’ NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 16, 2021) Don Bosco Didia Secondary School, located in Shinyanga, Tanzania, has been able to complete a construction...

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ERITREA: Funding to buy cows aids school’s self-sustainability efforts

Don Bosco Technical School in Dekemhare receives funding from Salesian Missions to buy cows to help aid self-sustainability. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 14, 2021) Salesian missionaries working at the Don Bosco Technical School in Dekemhare, a town roughly 25 miles southeast of the capital city of Asmara...

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INDIA: Salesians in Guwahati Province train 125 catechists thanks to Koch Foundation funding

The “Training and Faith Formation of Catechists” project prepared catechists to work in Roman Catholic parishes. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 14, 2021) Salesians in India were able to train 125 catechists with a year-long program thanks to funding Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the...

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WORLD DAY AGAINST CHILD LABOR: Salesian programs combat child labor

Salesian Missions highlights educational and social programs that combat child labor. NEW ROCHELLE, NY (June 12, 2021) Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins humanitarian organizations and the international community in honoring World Day Against Child...

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