Build a Community Water System

Build a Community Water System

Clean Water Projects

Country: Nigeria

Fully Funded: April 19, 2021

Project Progress:

0% 50% 100%

Clean water is a scarcity in communities inhabited by poor farmers and peasant traders. They must travel long distances to get to the closest stream in the region, which has been deemed unhealthy for consumption. During the dry season, this stream dries up, leaving them without any water at all. This project will fund the drilling of a borehole, pipes, tank, stand and generator at each of three communities, which will benefit hundreds of families.

There are numerous opportunities to help fund this project. Please consider funding even just one of these life-saving, clean water wells:

  1. One mechanized borehole and generator at Ishienu Amofu:  $15,623.08
  2. One mechanized borehole, tank, pipes and generator at Ohuani-Amofu:  $15,623.08
  3. One mechanized borehole, tank, pipes and generator at Imeoha Nkerefi:  $15,623.08


This project is located in three rural communities in Nkerefi, Enugu State, Nigeria.

The total cost for the construction of borewells, pipes, tanks, stands and generators in three rural communities = $46,869.24