Lay Missioner Journal: Pure Love

Although he was in his mid-20s and making a good living at a law firm here in the United States, Marcos Cisneros knew something was absent in his life. He had booked a flight to visit his sister overseas who was a Salesian Lay Missioner working at an orphanage. Upon his arrival, Marcos knew he had...

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In India: The Chance of a Lifetime for $1 a Day

Nearly 2,500 of the poorest students in South India are pursuing what was once unthinkable – a college education! Don Bosco College in Dharmapuri is providing that opportunity by offering an affordable tuition of just $1 a day. It’s a small investment that’s paying off in a big way.

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In Kenya: A Practical Path Out of Poverty

In Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, most of the 3 million residents endure lives of extreme poverty—somehow persevering on a daily income of less than $1 a day.Inevitably, slums have taken hold surrounding the more affluent neighborhoods, with associated high crime and meager availability of...

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Salesian Missions Partners with Stop Hunger Now for Greater Impact

Whether it’s a frightened street child who arrives at one of our shelters because she is starving, or a hungry student who can’t focus with an empty stomach, or a frail baby barely able to survive, a nutritious meal can often make the difference between success and failure … or life and...

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In Haiti: New Hope for Impoverished Students

Haiti stands as an example of the slow, painstaking progress required to help the poor make sustainable, tangible progress. More than two years after the earthquake, the country still has many broken buildings and tent cities, and the streets team with children that have nowhere to go. Thousands...

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Book Donation Opens the World to Ugandan Children

Uganda is recovering from decades of civil war and is struggling to overcome major challenges as rebel uprisings continue to threaten the stability of the country and the safety of its children and families. To make matters worse, HIV/AIDS is further breaking down the fabric of society and leaving...

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A Special School for Vulnerable Children

The Democratic Republic of Congo is notorious for having immense riches while many of its citizens suffer in extreme poverty. Seven million children are not educated because their families cannot afford to pay the required tuition for school. The country ranks dead last for human development. In...

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Crisis in Mali: Salesian Center Takes in Refugees

Political instability and fears of chaos in Mali have driven more than 300,000 people from their homes. Militant groups from Pakistan are moving in from the north and there’s panic that they will use the region as a platform for drugs and arms trade. They have already begun recruiting youngsters...

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