You’re invited to become an online monthly partner. Whatever amount you choose to give each month will help provide education — and through the work of our Salesian missionaries — feed, clothe, house and offer medical care to children and families most in need.
For any new online monthly donations of $25 or more, we will send you a special inspirational book as a thank you for your special commitment.
Salesian Missions Clean Water Initiative

Children and families all around the world are in desperate need of clean water for their everyday survival. Your monthly gift will help build wells and supply fresh water to those who need it most.
New Life Partners

Your monthly gift will help save children from starvation and disease, provide valuable education and teach useful trades so they can become self-sufficient adults.
Seminarian Support Program

Your monthly gift will help pay for the education of young men on their journey to the priesthood.
Salesian Missions Sponsors

Your monthly gift will help bring healthcare, education, food, clothing, job skills and human dignity to the poor and forgotten in more than 130 countries.
Missionary Support Program

Your monthly gift will support our missionaries in the field around the globe whose lives are dedicated to helping bring joy, faith and hope to thousands of underprivileged people.