Author: Salesian Missions

Publication Date: August 13, 2024

Healthy Food, Healthier Futures

When children don’t have enough to eat, they’re more likely to get sick. And when children are hungry and ill, they can’t succeed in school. That’s why we’re launching a vital new project in Timor-Leste together with our international humanitarian partner, Rise Against Hunger. “Rewrite the Future” is a year-long initiative that will provide healthy food for nearly 2,000 disadvantaged youth in 28 Salesian-run centers across eight districts.

“I can’t emphasize enough how transformative this nutritional program will be,” says Father Michael Conway, director of Salesian Missions. “Widespread food shortages are far too common in Timor-Leste, and the effects ripple out into all aspects of daily life. Nearly half of the country’s people can’t read or write, and we can safely assume that malnutrition and illness contribute significantly to that reality.”

That’s why “Rewrite the Future” adopts a holistic approach to addressing this critical issue. During the initial phase, which began in January 2024, Salesian missionaries distributed flour, rice, corn, eggs, chicken, vegetables, potatoes, beans, cooking oil, sugar, salt, noodles and canned fish to children and their families.

In the second phase of the project, which extends through December, missionaries are piloting a program to build nutritional sustainability. This program will train staff in six locations on how to establish and maintain kitchen gardens, institute handwashing and hygiene initiatives, and manage activities that address malnutrition.

Salesian missionaries launched the pilot by preparing meal plans with a nutritionist and training staff to implement them. They purchased food, which they prepared and delivered to the 28 centers including schools, youth centers and orphanages. Missionaries will be monitoring, tracking and assessing the health and classroom performances of students at the six pilot centers as the project continues.

“We are honored to work alongside Salesian Missions in Timor-Leste,” says Andrew Sullivan, Rise Against Hunger’s director of program management. “By leveraging our respective strengths and empowering the local community, we are working to end hunger together. This project is meeting immediate nutritional needs, while building in locally-led sustainable solutions, to ensure people in the country have the long-term nourishment they need to live a healthy life.”

“This project provides an opportunity for poor and disadvantaged youth to access healthy nutrition, and we appreciate Rise Against Hunger’s support in this endeavor,” adds Fr. Mike. “The goal is to improve children’s health, support them in overcoming malnutrition, and help them stay in school and successfully gain essential job skills that will allow them to become self-sufficient.”

Learn more about our work in Timor-Leste.

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