Author: Salesian Missions

Publication Date: May 06, 2024

New Computers, New Skills for At-Risk Students

Much like their peers here in the United States, youth across Argentina are eager to learn relevant, cutting-edge skills that will help them succeed in the classroom, further their education, and build rewarding careers. Yet poverty and a lack of resources often derail those dreams. Kind friends like you are changing that, one student at a time.

“Argentina struggles to adequately provide education that’s both high quality and affordable for families,” explains Father Michael Conway, director of Salesian Missions. “As a result, more than 30 percent of working-age people are un- or underemployed, and cannot afford to cover their basic living expenses. To try and compensate, many parents send their kids to work instead of school. Sadly, any short-term financial relief this strategy might offer simply worsens the situation because uneducated children grow into adults without the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty. And the cycle continues.”

That’s why Salesian missionaries serving in Argentina focus primarily on supporting disadvantaged, at-risk and impoverished children and youth who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to go to school. From primary and secondary schools, technical and vocational training centers, and even a university, these missionaries empower students to improve their lives, communities and futures through education. And they make sure to provide the kind of wraparound assistance necessary for students to successfully engage in the classroom including shelter, school-based nutrition programs, basic medical care, and more.

But it’s not always easy to deliver.

“Many of these educational programs and services are free to students, while our schools operate on tight budgets,” Fr. Mike says. “That’s why, with your support, we were pleased to send financial assistance to help our Salesians in Argentina better achieve their mission.”

With this donation, missionaries purchased much-needed computer equipment including laptops, desktops, monitors, printers and accessories that will directly benefit more than 2,800 youth who are eager to build their technical skills and leverage them in and out of the classroom.

“Digital education is important for our students to learn and be able to compete in the job market,” says one of our missionaries in Argentina. “Learning these skills early will help to grow their digital abilities later in their education. Our technical and vocational students must have access to today’s technology so they are prepared when they enter the workforce. These are skills they must have, and our Salesian educational institutions need this equipment to effectively teach with.”

Together with the generosity of good friends like you, Salesian-run schools can better fulfill this critical mission. And students have a real shot at success. Thank you!

Learn more about our work in Argentina.

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