INT’L DAY OF EDUCATION: Salesian Missions highlights programs that empower marginalized youth
Salesian schools range from primary to vocational, professional.
NEW ROCHELLE, NY (Jan. 24, 2025) Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins humanitarian organizations and countries around the globe in honoring International Day of Education on Jan. 24, recognized since 2018. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed International Day of Education as a celebration of the role of education for peace and development.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) noted that 251 million children and youth are out of school, and 763 million adults are illiterate. Further, disparities remain persistent with 33% of school-aged children and youth out of school in low-income countries compared to just 3% in high income countries, according to the latest monitoring report.
“Education is the key driver of prosperous, inclusive and peaceful societies,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. “Yet, quality education risks being the privilege of a few if we do not take serious measures to give every child across the globe the same chance to learn and thrive.”
Salesians provide primary and secondary schools, and they are considered the largest private provider of vocational and technical training in the world. Programs help vulnerable youth by giving access to educational opportunities that match the local employment needs. Around the globe, there are nearly 1,000 Salesian vocational, technical, professional and agricultural schools.
“Education provides a path out of poverty,” said Father Michael Conway, director of Salesian Missions. “Salesian education provides youth a chance to learn fundamental skills that will help them later in life. Many students advance from secondary school into Salesian vocational and technical training, which gives them the skills for long-term stable employment. It’s the way youth become self-sufficient and productive members of their communities.”
In honor of International Day of Education, Salesian Missions is proud to highlight educational programs that benefit youth around the globe.
Students at Salesian elementary schools, high schools, and technical and vocational training centers in Argentina have new computer equipment thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. More than 2,800 students will be positively impacted by this donation. The project started in 2023 and finished in July 2024.
With the funding, Salesians were able to purchase laptops, desktop computers, monitors, accessories and printers. Each institution obtained the equipment needed to ensure that students are able to learn and will be empowered in their digital education.
A Salesian noted, “Digital education is important for our students to be able to learn and compete in the job market. Learning these skills early will help to grow their digital abilities later in their education. Our technical and vocational students must have access to today’s technology so they are prepared when they enter the workforce. It’s skills they must have and Salesian educational institutions need the equipment to effectively teach.”
More than 3,000 youth in Haiti received nutritious food through a partnership between Salesian Missions and Rise Against Hunger. The shipments of meals were received by the Salesians of Don Bosco and then distributed to 11 Salesian centers and schools in the first half of 2024. Salesians facilitated school feeding programs, family meetings, professional training, primary and secondary education, apprenticeships, catechesis classes, and various other social activities.
Haiti faces ongoing political and social strife. The centers in Cap-Haïtien, including Lakay Cap and the Vincent Foundation, have experienced less political violence but have still felt the effects of the upheaval with rising market prices. Timkatec and Lakay Lakou are located in Port-au-Prince and have had to deal with the gangs and violence on the streets along with closures. Don Bosco Tech in Fort-Liberté has had an influx of people fleeing the capital for the relatively safer north and has seen an increase of children on the streets.
Rodnel Ball, age 16, is one of the recipients and has been living at Timkatec for five years. He said, “When I arrived at Timkatec, I started to eat Rise Against Hunger meals every day. The meals are important to me because they give me strength and they taste good. Not only did I gain weight by eating the meals, but I also found the motivation to study. I study better. I like to sit with my classmates when I eat.”
Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, located in Perambur, Chennai, India, purchased 15 sets of interactive intelligent panel boards to facilitate a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for students. The boards were purchased thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions.
The boards have been installed for classes in eighth, ninth and eleventh grades as well as the audio video hall for staff. More than 700 youth will be impacted by this new technology. Most of the students are from challenging family situations. The technology will also support 63 staff people. On special occasions, other classes will have access to this technology.
One young student said that he found it easier to concentrate and grasp concepts better thanks to the new boards. Other students have voiced the same opinion. Salesians report that many students thanked the school management for having brought about this enhancement into the classroom. Parents have also been pleased.
Salesian missionaries in Myanmar* were able to provide housing and nutrition to 350 boys who are boarding in Salesian communities thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. These boys are mainly from war-afflicted zones where there is very little education and safety. The Salesian communities supported include Nazareth, Thibaw, Hlaing Thar Yar and Mandalay.
Donor funding helped youth during the six months of November 2023 to April 2024. During this time Salesians were able to provide the boarding for the students and meet nutrition needs, including the purchase of rice, beans, vegetables and cooking oils.
A Salesian said, “We are appreciative of Salesian Missions and the donor funding provided that has allowed us to aid 350 boys who are boarding in different Salesian communities. Education in Myanmar has been challenged given the ongoing war. We are supporting these youth with their education and basic needs like housing and nutrition.”
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