New Hope Springs to Life in Rural Namibia
New Hope Springs to Life in Rural Namibia

The two little boys huddled next to each other caked in dust. The blazing midday sun bore down on their bare arms and shoulders, deepening their thirst—nothing new there—yet something was different. Rising out of the ground before them stood a metal pipe bubbling over with fresh and very cold...

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Sparking Small Glimmers of Hope Amid Violence
Sparking Small Glimmers of Hope Amid Violence

As war in Ukraine vies daily for our attention, an equally devastating one also rages on—much further from the reaches of popular awareness. Although the Democratic Republic of the Congo* largely exists outside the headlines these days, our Salesian missionaries on the ground serve as...

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Transformative Opportunities In and Out of the Classroom
Transformative Opportunities In and Out of the Classroom

According to the Human Development Index, Timor-Leste ranks 133 out of 188 for life expectancy and standard of living. Salesian missionaries had already been working hard to improve these outcomes by providing more access to education overall. But now, they’re expanding on the life-changing...

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A Salesian Approach to Stemming Youth Migration
A Salesian Approach to Stemming Youth Migration

According to official estimates, global youth migration is on the rise. And while it’s challenging to pinpoint exact numbers, one thing is certain—thousands of marginalized young people leave their countries in search of work and better opportunities abroad every single day. Around the world,...

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A Welcoming Home for Newly Arrived Families in Chile
A Welcoming Home for Newly Arrived Families

Until recently, Alesio lived on the streets of Santiago, Chile with his wife and two young children. But thanks to Salesian missionaries at Casa Pinardi, all four now enjoy safe shelter … and renewed hope for brighter futures. “Although Chile’s poverty rate is relatively low,” says Father...

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Empowering Young Women to Lead and Succeed
Empowering Young Women to Lead and Succeed

Today, women in the Philippines still face significant gaps in education, employment and earning potential—despite their country’s high scores on internationally defined measures of gender equity. With help from Salesian Missions, this is about to change, one student at a time. Working with the...

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Embracing New Beginnings in Ecuador
Embracing New Beginnings in Ecuador

Born in Ambato, Ecuador and growing up mostly on the streets, young Álex never understood what it meant to be loved. Traumatized by abandonment and scarred by abuse, he only knew how it felt to be hungry, exhausted and alone—until he arrived at the Don Bosco Farm. Originally established in 1996,...

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Assisting Displaced Families in Need in Pakistan
Assisting Displaced Families in Need

Under cover of night, Mustafa hurriedly loaded his expectant wife, in-laws, and first-born baby into a car and drove as fast as he could toward the border of Pakistan—where he prayed they would find safety from Afghanistan’s increasingly dangerous and repressive regime. With help from our...

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