
Salesian missionaries are making a difference in Angola where the need is great. Two-thirds of the population is illiterate, 68 percent live in poverty and half the children under the age of 5 are malnourished. Furthermore, 3 million Angolans have returned to the country since the end of a violent civil war in 2002 and are now living in refugee camps.

Few countries have suffered as much as Angola. Even after surviving decades of violent civil war, Angolans now struggle to overcome high poverty rates and unemployment, especially among young adults.

In Angola, Salesian missionaries focus their efforts on the areas of greatest need for youth. With 45 percent of Angola’s population under the age of 15, access to quality education is critical for the country’s success—yet remains out of reach to many. Just 20 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 17 receive secondary education. Salesian educational, training and support programs provide hope and opportunity where there otherwise would be little.

More Missions In Angola

Provide technical & vocational training

Rescue children facing adversity

Provide youth centers & safe activities

Deliver life-saving meals

Deliver essential equipment & supplies

Improve infrastructure


From Angola

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From Angola

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Helping Girls Reclaim their Futures in Angola

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Addressing Chronic Hunger on a Global Level

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Funding Opportunities

in Angola

Agriculture Training Programs

Salesian Missions includes agriculture in its vocational training programs – to ensure that youth of Rwanda learn better agricultural practices as well as keep the school self-sustaining in the face of the country’s food shortages.

Get Involved

Feed a Child

Salesian Missions includes agriculture in its vocational training programs – to ensure that youth of Rwanda learn better agricultural practices as well as keep the school self-sustaining in the face of the country’s food shortages.

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Technology Program

Salesian Missions includes agriculture in its vocational training programs – to ensure that youth of Rwanda learn better agricultural practices as well as keep the school self-sustaining in the face of the country’s food shortages.

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