Together, We Feed Starving Children
After suffering from malnutrition for most of his childhood, 14-year-old Ronald is now thriving. That’s because he’s receiving nutritious meals made possible by our long-standing partnership with Rise Against Hunger — an international humanitarian organization whose goal, just like ours, is to eradicate hunger around the world.
Ronald is in the seventh grade at the Don Bosco School in Uganda. He lives with his mother who is struggling to survive, barely making a few dollars a day as a street vendor. Knowing she could not adequately care for her son on her meager wages, she reached out to the Don Bosco Children and Life Mission (Don Bosco CALM) for assistance.
Ronald and his mother are among thousands from the region living in fear and poverty. Armed soldiers roam their neighborhood, intimidating vulnerable families who are often too afraid to venture outdoors.
The threat of violence has scared many farmers from delivering their crops in fear that their hard work will be wiped out. Severe weather and economic instability have devastated the agricultural sector and costs for food staples like maize, rice and beans have doubled.
While Ronald and his mother are benefiting from healthy meals served by our Salesian missionaries, thousands more families are desperate for nutritious food.
The need to respond is now. And you can help!
Each November, Salesian Missions launches our Annual Food Distribution Appeal — which raises critical funds to feed the hungry. And caring friends like you make it possible.
The concept of the campaign is simple — yet the impact is monumental. For every dollar you give, we can deliver $20 worth of life-saving food to struggling families like Ronald’s in Uganda and many other countries throughout the world.
Rise Against Hunger and other partner organizations donate tons of nutritious meals to Salesian Missions, free of charge. Our missionaries on the ground in hundreds of impoverished communities are ready and eager to prepare and serve this vital food to suffering children and adults who need it most.
Your generous gift to our Annual Food Distribution Appeal provides the funds necessary to transport the donated food from the shipping docks to our mission sites.
These life-changing efforts have already made a transformative difference in Ronald’s community. That’s because food shipped to Don Bosco CALM – along with Don Bosco School Bombo and the Salesian vocational schools in Bombo and Kamuli – has reached 1,700 students who are now benefiting from nutritious meals that will greatly boost their health and wellbeing.
Now, Ronald and his classmates have the energy, confidence and strength they need to focus on their studies and excel in school. With a new sense of hope, Ronald has his sights set on going into business when he graduates from school. He, along with his friends, have much brighter futures thanks to the support of our many generous friends.
Learn more about our work in Uganda.
Our mission makes it possible to transform a $1 donation into $20 worth of life-saving meals for hungry children and families. What’s your mission?