East Timor: Feeding Children … and the Future

At the Salesian elementary, secondary and technical schools in Fatumaca, many children must walk more than 2 hours to get to class. They leave home in the early hours of the morning without any breakfast. Until recently, they would arrive exhausted and unable to focus. But now, the Salesians are...

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Philippines: A Better Path for Street Children

Mario was just 10 years old when he ran away from home -- desperate to escape his abusive father. Living alone on the streets, the young boy relied on begging and odd jobs in order to pay for his food. He was destined for a life of poverty, drugs and crime ... had he not been discovered by social...

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South Sudan: Hope for Refugee Children

South Sudan is a young country marred by war and humanitarian crises. More than 4 million people -- nearly half of the nation’s population -- have fled to refugee camps to the north, where they live in deplorable conditions and are riddled with disease and hunger. Amidst the suffering, however,...

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Donated Jacket Transforms A Boy’s Life

Dinesh was ashamed of his tattered clothing – a grim reflection of his family’s extreme poverty. Feeling embarrassed, the 12-year-old boy would often skip school and other activities. But then, a brand new jacket changed everything.He received one of more than 1,000 coats donated by a generous...

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NPR Features Salesian Center Helping Former Child Soldiers

Today, Jasmine is taking cooking classes and plans to expand her culinary skills. Her dream is to one day open her own restaurant. But not long ago, she was a child soldier immersed in a gruesome and violent war. Her inspiring transformation is taking place at the Salesian Center in Cali, Colombia,...

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A Modern Day Miracle – Your gift multiplied many times!

Caring friends like you have a wonderful opportunity to make a huge impact! For every $1 you give, we can ship $14 worth of critical items to children and families around the globe who urgently need them. It’s a modern-day version of the Loaves & Fishes miracle when Jesus multiplied seven loaves...

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A Gift for Afghan Refugee Children

Their young lives have been filled with turmoil and suffering. But thanks to the determination of the Salesians, Afghan refugee children living in Pakistan, have good reason to believe that brighter days are ahead.Until recently, these children had little hope. Their families were forced to flee...

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Improving Lives One Pair of Shoes at a Time

In poor communities throughout the globe, children arrive at school in tattered shoes or bare feet (often after walking long distances). This can be a shameful and difficult experience that affects their ability to learn. But thanks to the generosity of TOMS Shoes—in partnership with Salesian...

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