Education and New Hope for Migrant Youth

In the slums of Vadodara, India, children are a precious commodity. Sent out by their parents to beg for money, toil on brick farms, or even commit petty theft, they bring in desperately-needed cash to help support their families. But they pay a big price: significant loss of hours in school, where...

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A Future Free of Exploitation for Cambodia’s Children

In the poverty-ravaged neighborhoods of Sihanoukville, Cambodia, living conditions are atrocious, drug and alcohol abuse rampant, and domestic abuse “normal.” Here, children are especially vulnerable -- to hunger, illness, violence, and despair. And it gets worse. During the last decade alone,...

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Sweetening an Industry in the Philippines

Did you know that the last time you ate a piece of chocolate – it was probably made from ingredients harvested by an exploited child laborer? In fact, the rapidly growing cocoa industry exploits an estimated 300,000 girls and boys each year. Children, forced to harvest the beans with chainsaws...

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Cultivating a Better Future in Paraguay

In rural communities around the world, workers seek to make a living to support their families but face many challenges including insufficient wages and low productivity. In order to begin addressing these issues on a local level, Salesian missionaries in Paraguay have launched a new project to...

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Bringing Medical Care into the Streets… and to Street Children

They are everywhere -- so many of them, in fact, that society no longer sees them: the millions of girls and boys living on the streets of India. Alone, they struggle with deplorable conditions, the dangers of exploitation and abuse, and the sinking feeling that there may be nothing to eat that...

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Uruguay: A Spark of Hope in the Face of Danger

In Montevideo, Uruguay, where city streets are riddled with senseless violence, Salesian missionaries have vowed to remain among their people -- despite great risks to their own lives.The Marconi quarter of this capital city -- called the “Red Zone” by locals -- is a place so prevalent with...

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Feeding the Hungry in Lima: A Miracle of Mercy

Lima, Peru is a city of contrasts: river valleys sweeping into majestic mountain plains. The sea’s serenity punctuated by the urban markets’ colorful beat. Summer transitioning to winter and back again, with no seasons in between. But perhaps its most striking contrast is the one between the...

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Syria: When Others Leave, We Remain

Time and again, when brutal wars, catastrophic disasters and relentless civil strife threaten the very lives of the children and families in our care, Salesian missionaries stand with, and for, them in solidarity. At great risk to their own lives, they offer their resources, support and love to...

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