Salesian Missionaries: Always Ready When Disaster Strikes

This past August, an unusually active summer monsoon season unleashed nature’s full fury on the people of Myanmar. Relentless and torrential rains triggered devastating floods and destructive mudslides that killed more than 100 people and drastically changed the lives of one million more. While...

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Bringing Humanitarian Aid (and Hope) to Refugees

“How can we not help and support them?” These are the words of Father Cristobal Lopez, Salesian provincial of Mary Help of Christians in Seville, Spain. He refers to the millions of refugees fleeing war, violence and other horrors at home -- the men, women and children who journey to other...

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Nurturing the Potential of Girls through Education

Far too often in developing countries, females are stigmatized as being second-class citizens. And while the reasons are many, the results are the same: a once-bright potential stifled by disempowerment, ultimately trapping girls in a lifetime of poverty and discrimination.

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New Hope for Unemployed Youth in Sri Lanka

Until recently, 19-year-old Tiron faced a grim future. Having dropped out of school for financial reasons, he held little hope of finding decent work and securing his long-term economic stability. In fact, without meaningful intervention, he risked becoming yet another indirect casualty of Sri...

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Sharing Thanksgiving’s Bounty

Once again, it is time for our Annual Food Distribution Appeal. This is an important campaign that raises the funds to get critical food aid to children and families who need it most. This food -- generously donated by our international relief partners -- is already on the ground. Now, we must rely...

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Don Bosco on Wheels: Extraordinary Abilities, Infinite Possibilities

In 2010, Father Jaime Reyes Ratana formed Don Bosco on Wheels -- a modest undertaking with a mission to provide wheelchairs and social support to a small group of youth with disabilities in Guadalajara, Mexico. Little did he know how great the need was -- or that his project would rapidly grow to...

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Building a Brighter Future for South Sudan

South Sudan suffers from pervasive social and cultural conditions that conspire to impede its future. Widespread poverty means that girls are routinely traded into marriage in exchange for livestock and other valuable goods. A lack of industry means that instead of attending school, boys are often...

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Committed to the Cause of Refugees

They’re crammed into the dark recesses of dubious ships like packed sardines. They’ve ransomed their futures to fund a voyage that may fail. And, should they reach the distant shores of a continent ill-equipped to accommodate them, they face a harsh reality: instead of asylum and a better life,...

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