Feeding the Hungry in Lima: A Miracle of Mercy

Lima, Peru is a city of contrasts: river valleys sweeping into majestic mountain plains. The sea’s serenity punctuated by the urban markets’ colorful beat. Summer transitioning to winter and back again, with no seasons in between. But perhaps its most striking contrast is the one between the...

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Syria: When Others Leave, We Remain

Time and again, when brutal wars, catastrophic disasters and relentless civil strife threaten the very lives of the children and families in our care, Salesian missionaries stand with, and for, them in solidarity. At great risk to their own lives, they offer their resources, support and love to...

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Putting Theory into Practice in Madagascar

During his long and faithful lifetime of working for, and with, marginalized youth, Saint John “Don” Bosco emphasized the notion of “practicing what’s been taught.” Today in Madagascar, 29 students attending the Salesian Vocational Training Center in the capital city of Antananarivo are...

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South Sudan: Mercy in Action

The United Nations has called it “the most terrible” war in the world today -- yet its victims are all but forgotten. But not by the Salesians. Since 2013, when civil war erupted in the world’s newest country, our Salesian missionaries have witnessed and continue to assist the men, women and...

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Specialized Care for Homeless, Stigmatized Youth

It’s a number that’s almost impossible to imagine: worldwide, more than 150 million children are living outside of their family’s care. Perhaps even harder to imagine is that -- through no fault of their own -- a disproportionate number of these boys and girls also suffer from HIV. Salesian...

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“Visiting the Sick” in the Philippines

Last month, the Don Bosco Past Pupils Association of Lawaan, Philippines, helped organize a free medical clinic for impoverished children and families who otherwise could not afford care. This annual one-day clinic was hosted at the Don Bosco Formation Center on the island of Cebu, and staffed by...

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Salesian Students, Paying it Forward for Benin

During his time in service to the young, Don Bosco encouraged his students to “practice what’s been taught” -- to take the lessons and skills learned in and out of the classroom, and apply them in ways that could improve their own lives and prospects, as well as those of others in need. Today...

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Ecuador: Giving Comfort and Aid to Earthquake Victims

In the days and weeks after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake ravaged much of Ecuador, the earth continued to rumble -- delivering a series of terrifying aftershocks that threatened to amplify the already heartbreaking devastation. Fortunately, despite significant damage to their own properties, our more...

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